About The Constitutional Law Society

Established in 2023, the aim of CLS is to cultivate a striving legal research and writing culture in Government Law College whilst exposing students to constitutional law. We strive to give law students across the country a platform to express themselves by running peer-reviewed publications and organizing writing competitions centred around constitutional law. Driven by the legacy of excellence set by student-run bodies at Government Law College, we are highly motivated towards our agenda.


Dr. Asmita Vaidya, Principal

Dr. Umesh Aswar, Faculty In Charge

Dr. Shweta Shiraskar, Faculty in charge

Senior Core:

Karthik R, Himangi Raswant, Kaushal Sabnis, Hitanshi Mehta, Divyanshu Jain

Junior Core:

Aaryan Bhat, Ajinkya Temak, Bridget Fernandes, Deep Kamble, Mansi Thakur, Padma Iyer, Saniya Shaikh, Shruti Dudhane, Vihaan Shetty